지역문화축제의 마케팅활성화 방안에 관한 연구
동국대학교 | 77 pages| 2007.01.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1441 다운로드 4
Culture industry is one of the areas where the best Value-Added is created in the 21st century. Especially, a successful regional culture festival plays an important role in bring a variety of Effect-Added to the region. The festival which express the regional characteristics can not only brand the region as the city filled with Tradition Transmission and regional traits but also help regional economy highly activated. The city, named Ulsan, has the image of a polluted city due to industrial complex in the 60`s and has large portion of immigrants in its population. Those immigrants are many workers who immigrated to Ulsan to seek for jobs from other areas. These workers have thought of Ulsan as only a temporary city to stay for a short-term period since they has had in mind returning to their hometown some day. However, as their second generation has grown up and demanded stable systems for all environments including social, educational, and cultural aspects, it Is time now to put an interest in defining the city identity of Ulsan and making a good brand for reconsideration of Ulsan`s image which is to be a hometown for the second generation.
지역문화시대 문화마케팅 사회마케팅 내고장마케팅
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